Network-911 Blog

Network-911 has been serving the Pasadena area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tip of the Week: Find Out the Ideal Amount of RAM Your Workstation Needs

Tip of the Week: Find Out the Ideal Amount of RAM Your Workstation Needs

If your computer is underperforming, then it may not have enough RAM to do what you’re asking it to do. When selecting a PC, how do you know if you have enough RAM?

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The 3 Major Ways Managed IT Beats Break-Fix IT, Every Time

The 3 Major Ways Managed IT Beats Break-Fix IT, Every Time

Every business has crucial IT systems that are imperative to its continued functionality. Usually these systems are maintained by an internal IT department, but many small businesses don’t have this luxury. Therefore, they have traditionally relied on break-fix IT companies to handle their technology problems when they hinder operations.

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Tales from the Haunted Server Room

b2ap3_thumbnail_shock_n_awe_it_400.jpgIt was a dark and stormy night, as it sometimes is on Halloween. It’s a time when kids and adults alike enjoy dressing up as scary monsters and partaking in some good old-fashioned trick-or-treating. You’re pulling a late night at the office, and you hear a sound emanating from your server room; an unsavory clicking sound that echoes through the recesses of your office. What do you do?

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What Happens to a Hard Drive When It’s Stored Away for Several Years?

b2ap3_thumbnail_cold_storage_for_server_400.jpgOne of the most common questions we are asked by our clients is, “What’s the best way to store my business’s data?” Questions like these are imperative to the survival of any business endeavor, as they force you to think in the grand scheme of things. So, what’s the best way to store your data long-term?

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The Problem with E-Waste is Worse Than We Thought

b2ap3_thumbnail_ewaste_is_a_problem_400.jpgSo you got yourself a shiny new laptop. That’s great, but what are you going to do with your old device? The right thing to do is to dispose of it with a company that handles e-waste properly. Otherwise, if you just chuck it in the trash, you’ll be contributing to an already serious environmental problem.

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Tip of the Week: How to Protect Yourself from IT Equipment Theft

b2ap3_thumbnail_it_equipment_theft_400.jpgHow often do you deal with your company-owned IT equipment? Some businesses keep detailed records of their equipment and use security measures and policies to prevent theft; but if your business doesn't protect its equipment, you could be digging a hole into your budget without realizing it.

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The Threat Level for BadUSB Malware has Increased

b2ap3_thumbnail_badusb_is_dangerous_400.jpgThis past August, we reported on a new vulnerability with USB firmware called BadUSB. This vulnerability was discovered by Karsten Nohl of SR Labs. The BadUSB vulnerability was presented at the Black Hat security conference as a theoretical risk, but now, the code has leaked and this risk has become a reality. Oops.

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Malware BadUSB Challenges Our Dependency on USB Technology

b2ap3_thumbnail_usb_malware_400.jpgYour office is likely full-to-bursting with devices utilizing USB technology. It's been a popular way to connect external devices to PCs since the 1.1 version was released in 1998. However, it may be the technology's popularity that will cause its downfall as hackers develop ways to use the device to their advantage.

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Slow Computer? Increase your memory to boost computer Speeds

Sometimes when your workstation feels bogged down, a relatively cheap and simply hardware update can make a huge difference in performance. Adding more RAM (Random Access Memory, often just referred to as memory) can be a game changer for your bogged down PC.

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